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I am an intuitive healer who works with the seven layers of the energetic body—connecting mind, body, and soul. 

With guidance and direction from my team of Spirit Guides, we are able to look at physical and energetic needs to help realign and bring you to a state of optimal health. I believe our body is designed to heal itself, but over time, imbalances and misalignment create the perfect storm—the body is tipped too far out of alignment to be able to find its way back to a healthy state of being.

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Emotional, mental, or physical trauma, as well as environmental and past life issues contribute to pushing the body out of alignment. When there is imbalance and disconnection in the mind-body-soul connection, the body starts to scream out. This can result in aches, pains, disease processes, anxiety, depression, and overall feelings of just being unwell. This is our body trying to get us to pay attention to the STORY it wants to share. The story is the key to it all, and every body’s story is unique.

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We are able to expand on levels of consciousness, activate light, ascension, and DNA codes. We connect to your purpose and any information spirit/soul would like to bring forward on your journey. To assist in the overall process, crystalline, light, and diamond light code energy are used like a comprehensive mapping system to move towards a more optimal state of health on all levels. 

No two appointments are the same, as the body and spirit, together, guide you back to your soul’s truth. This in turn will help you live your most aligned, healthy, joyous, connected, authentic life. The life you are meant to live!   



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It’s time for you to step into your role as a New Earth leader.

Your mission matters and the world needs you right now.

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A 7 Month Experience to Empower and Guide New Earth Leaders into their Larger Mission.

Access to the New Way Forward.



As we shift into this new expression,
we are flipping the switch from limitation to possibility...

An all-encompassing mentorship journey that is tailored to your unique unfolding, unlocking your fullest potential.

The most intimate container that I’ve created.